About Our Funds
Touro Synagogue Support: These donations help support the various aspects of the operating budget. Touro Synagogue's EIN is 72-0438158.
- Touro Synagogue Support (General Fund) - Helps defray the operating costs of the congregation
- Adult Education - Helps fund educational programs for adults
- Ann & Paul Mendelsohn Memorial Israel Trip Fund - A generous donor wishing to remain anonymous is seeking to bring the wonder and rich history of Israel to Touro Synagogue members for whom the costs may be otherwise prohibitive.
- Building Preservation Fund (Restricted fund for emergency capital repairs) - Helps fund repairs to our facilities
- Caring and Mitzvah - Helps support the initiatives undertaken by our Caring and Mitzvah group to cultivate community
- David Kanter Worship Fund - Provides funding to enhance the worship experience at Touro Synagogue
- Discretionary Funds - Allows our clergy to assist the congregation in supporting our community at their discretion
- Donald Mintz Lecture Fund (Speaker Events) - Provides opportunities for Touro to produce speaker and lecture programs
- Hearing Impaired Assistance - Helps provide listening devices and other equipment for use during worship
- Jazz Fest Shabbat Fund (restricted) - Ensures the continued production of our annual Jazz Fest Shabbat worship
- Karen J. (Kitty) Greenberg Arts and Education Scholarship Fund – Provides funding for our youth to attend Touro Synagogue Religious School, Henry S. Jacobs Camp, Hava Nashira Song Leaders program, Camp Kutz Leadership Camp, and NFTY conclaves and events
- Music/Choir - Helps fund the adult choir and our music program
- Prayerbooks - Helps fund the purchase of new Mishkan T’Filah prayer books and other worship books
- Pulpit Flowers/Shabbat Dinner Support - Helps fund our Oneg and flowers on the bimah for every Shabbat. (These donations allow you a sponsorship recognition at specific levels.)
- Religious School Support - Helps fund our fully accredited Religious School for ages Pre-K through 10th grade
- Security Fund - Supports Touro Synagogue’s security needs
- Torah Study Support - Helps fund our weekly Torah Study group
- Woody Widofsky Youth Education Fund - For the support of Touro Synagogue Religious School programming, including scholarships and other programming, excepting staff salaries
- Youth Activities - Helps fund activities for our children and youth group.
Touro Synagogue Foundation: These funds are given as gifts to the Foundation for a directed purpose. Touro Synagogue Foundation's EIN is 26-3880816.
- General Foundation Fund - Helps sustain our endowment which will serve as a souce of dependable and sizable income for our synagogue (Please donate by check made payable to Touro Synagogue Foundation)
- Adelaide Bergman Music Fund - Assists in the presentation of the High Holiday music
- Barbara S. Loeb Tikkun Olam Fund - Assists Touro Synagogue's social action initiatives within the Greater New Orleans community
- Debra Van Der Linden Sidelnik Memorial Fund (Youth Leadership) - Supports scholarships for our students to attend youth leadership development programs
- Jackie Wolff Scholarship Fund (B'nei Mitzvah Education and Camp Scholarships) - supports lifelong Jewish education for both children and teachers
- Robert (Bobby) Katz & Alice M. Katz Scholarship Fund (Henry S. Jacobs Camp Scholarships) - Provides scholarships for Touro children to attend Henry S. Jacobs summer camp.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Touro Synagogue offers many sponsorship opportunities for you to consider in memory or in honor of someone you love or in celebration of a simcha. Click here for more information.
- Shabbat Livestream
- High Holy Day Livestream
- High Holy Day Pulpit Flowers