B’nei Mitzvah Date Preference Form

"*" indicates required fields

For 2025, this form is due by Friday, February 14. After that date, a random number will be assigned to each form to determine the order in which they will be processed. If your preferred dates are no longer available when your form is up, we will contact you and give you time to look at the available dates calendar. Once all dates are assigned, we will share the results with everyone and send a confirmation form with deposit information. No dates are official and entered into the calendar until this final step is completed!
First, Middle, Last
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please Check to Acknowledge*
The following motion was passed by the Board of Trustees:
Forms will not be processed unless they have at least three dates. Please be as expansive as you can listing potential dates, and describe any preferences among them. Your flexibility is a mitzvah — we depend on one another to make sure everyone in the class has a date that works for their family.
By typing your name below you acknowledge that once a date is confirmed it will be held contingent on the policies outlined above.